Convoy analysis finds vehicles often found together in a certain area over multiple cameras or regions over a certain time period.
In the table of the results you will find:
"Candidates" are the Reads (possibly) involved in a convoy. So only the Reads that have been seen close together. -
"All Reads" are all Reads from the two number plates that were seen on all cameras and within a certain time range. It is greater than or equal to the number of candidates reads. Checking this list indicates whether a license plate is a frequent visitor or was exceptionally visible in that area.
You can select the "minimum number of times seen together" in the advanced options. But then you have to broaden the scope.
When you hover a row in the table with the mouse, the row is selected green and the cameras in question become green on the card.
On the bottom left you can click on [Save for later reference] and on the right side [Export to Excel].