Date: 2022-03-07 12:00:00
Statement from Myriade on the conflict in Ukraine
Myriade is following the recent development in and around Ukraine with great concern. We are continuously assessing the situation and analyzing how it might affect our clients’ businesses and information security as well as our own.
Myriade can confirm that we currently have no employees, clients, partners, or other dependencies in the affected area. We are not experiencing any direct impact on our business or operations at the current time, and we do not foresee any such impact in the near future.
The cyber security threats associated with Russian actors towards both nation states and business in Europe are well-known and monitored. Due to the escalating Ukrainian conflict, there is even more urgency to closely monitor the situation and be prepared for any eventualities Our security team is taking into account the very real possibility of state sponsored cyber-attacks emanating from Russia as a response to the new sanctions.
Possible target areas could for instance be the European energy industry and financial institutions and government agencies.
Myriade is also aware of the risks associated with targeted cyber warfare on Ukrainian infrastructure and organizations.
We have seen in the past how such attacks have widespread and long reaching ramification with impact on European as well as global businesses.
Myriade is also considering the possibility of an increase in operations from other cybercrime actors, during a time when the world is concentrating on the Ukrainian conflict. At present we believe that such operations would follow customary patterns with focus on cyber-Extortion and ransomware attacks. We urge all organizations to stay vigilant and consider implementing awareness activities towards employees.
Myriade is closely monitoring the situation and will continue to participate in relationships with national and international security communities and government agencies.
We will also continue our security partnership with Approach cyber security and privacy service provider and/or Orange Cyber Defense depending on specific customer profile.
Myriade urges customer with outdated security appliances to update these.We also urge customer with recent security equipment to verify that all support agreements are in place and all updating is done daily. Additionally, we will continue to keep all our clients updated if and when we receive new information that changes our risk assessments.